Masturbating Every Day Will Keep The Doctor Away
How To Get Yourself Off
Well… sort of. That’s our cheeky way of saying: Masturbating is healthy AF. And, yes, while we do mean that masturbating is a completely healthy and normal thing to do, we also mean that masturbation offers many legit health benefits. We aren’t joking. The next time you’re debating whether or not to get yourself off, do it. In a safe, private space pls.
Benefits of Masturbation:
- Feeling stressed? When women orgasm, their bodies release a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin has been proven to relieve stress. See where we’re going with this?
- It can help raise a low libido & get you craving sex again! If you struggle with a low sex drive, try arousing yourself regularly to create desire.
- Sleep like a baby. An orgasm before bed can help you fall asleep faster, and keep you asleep for longer. Counting sheep could never!
Masturbation provides you with a safe way to experiment and discover what feels good for you. You’re able to explore what buttons make you tick, and what you want to explore further, even with a partner.
Putting the power and pleasure in your own hands (literally), in a space where you’re comfortable, means that you will be able to find the words and names to properly articulate your desires, and direct your partner’s attention during intimacy.
But we’re not here just to tell you WHY you should masturbate. We’re here to help you with the HOW.
Women’s bodies are complicated and finding what turns you on AND what gets you off can often be two separate things. If you’ve never masturbated before, it can be helpful to spend time learning your anatomy first. We’re going to go on a little treasure hunt together to help.
Trust us, this is a game that will never get boring.
- Start with placing your hand over your vulva. Reminder, your vulva is the entire part of your outer genitals.
- Take a deep breath and stay there for a count of 5. This is a vulva hug– a deliciously sweet space to connect.
- Move your fingers to the top of your pubic bone and the fleshy part just above, this is your pubic mound (or mons). This point can be very erotically stimulating. Stay here for a few breaths and explore various amounts of pressure.
- Warm up a little Coconut Love Oil in your hands and bring your fingers down, gliding down your outer lips.
- Open your outer lips to explore your inner lips, gently gliding your fingers along each side. Up and down. Notice the texture, look at the color, and explore each fold and wrinkle and crease.
- Now bring your attention to the clitoral hood. Graze your fingers gently over and notice the sensation. As you get more aroused your clitoral head will engorge and pop out, ready for play!
- Bring your fingers just above your clitoral hood. This is your clitoral shaft. It will feel similar to a rubber band or string and you can explore it, moving your fingers over it to either side to feel stimulation to the clitoris.
- Go slow– take your time, enjoying every feeling and ounce of self-discovered pleasure.
- If you’re ready for it, grab your Vibez and play in the same way. Explore different pressures, different speeds, and go all around the vulva, finding your rhythm as you go.
Need some stimulation to help you get in the mood? Try watching, listening to, or reading ethical porn that focuses on female pleasure (our favorites are from afterglow and Quinn).
WOO Tip: Try engaging in mutual masturbation with your partner. Face each other and explore your own bodies, bringing yourself to orgasm while you watch your partner do the exact same thing. Did it just get hot in here?